ISSUE #70 - Why Are You on Substack?
Why are you on Substack?
The obvious answers are:
To express myself
To publish my writing to the world
To find my tribe of like-minded writers and readers
OK, great. Those are all important qualities that each of us brings to our Substack.
What’s the deeper reason?
Everyone has one.
Here’s mine: To make $20K/month. Every month.
You might be chuckling to yourself, thinking…
“$20K/ month? Ha! Not on Substack, Baz!”
To which I’d counter:
It doesn’t matter where I write; the path to $20K/month is in the system I learned from others and now teach to my students.
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🔗 New from Baz (Notes)
🔗 Post by Tim (Substack)
How To Set Goals - Trust me, it's not your average goal-setting post.
🛒 Offer by Baz (Substack)
I just completed a 12-Point Substack Check-Up for Gunnar Habitz of ‘Writing In Cafes.’ Does your Substack need a check-up?
Today’s Just-For-Fun Poll 🤭
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(c) 2024 Barry Baz Morris