EXPERTISE TO INCOME: Lesson 1 - Teaching What You Already Know

Welcome to Expertise To Income™ from
This is a free 6-lesson mini-course that provides you with an overview of the concepts behind starting a one-person digital business offering a specific type of product—your authoritative 6-lesson mini-course, based on what you already know well and delivered via email.
LESSON 01 - Teaching What You Already Know
The Premise: You’re Already an Expert
Regardless of your vocation, you possess at least one kind of expertise. When we think of experts, we generally envision middle-aged men and women in business suits carrying sleek leather briefcases.
But let’s get past that image.
Instead, let’s think about your vocation for a second.
Let’s say you work part-time or full-time in the hospitality industry. At first glance, you might not consider a food server or restaurant manager an expert. But consider this:
If you work as a food server, you’re knowledgeable in customer service, backbar mechanics, and guest reservation systems. You’ve also had to undergo some sort of wait staff training.
If you’re a restaurant manager, you’re most likely experienced in staff management, customer service, and vendor relations.
Within each of these vocational roles are potential 6-Lesson Mini-Courses to consider.
But your vocation isn’t the only area to examine.
You might have unique life experiences (frequent travel), recreational pursuits (long-distance running), and hobbies (paintings of pets) that are also rich in potential areas of expertise that you could share with others.
The Promise: Sharing Your Expertise and Experience Can Generate Regularly Recurring Revenue
One of my mentors says:
If you’ve ever solved a particularly painful problem, you can build a business around that experience.
Let’s unpack that.
Say you smoked for 25 years, then experienced a serious health scare. Maybe your doctor told you that if you didn’t quit cigarettes, your chances of dying in the next ten years were better than Las Vegas odds.
Let’s say you tried to quit using gum and patches, but nothing worked. But you persisted and eventually did find something that worked for you. You were finally tobacco-free. Hooray!
That’s a huge problem that feeds a multi-billion dollar industry for products and services that help others in the same situation. That proves there’s a market there. (You’d have to be an idiot not to know that in 2024.)
You solved a very painful and serious problem. What if you packaged that experience in six well-constructed email lessons that walked others through how you did it?
Do you think there might be a few thousand people (probably more like millions) also looking for a way to quit smoking?
You have a mini-course just waiting to be written.
In LESSON 2, we talk about:
How 6-lesson mini-courses work, earn, and can be leveraged to make you money while you sleep.